Desmond Doss Videos- The Real Story, Trailer, and more videos

Seventh-Day Adventist Desmond Doss’ story has recently received notoriety from the remaking of his story in the movie by Mel Gibson titled ‘Hacksaw Ridge,’

The story of Desmond Doss is a true one.  Watch the short videos below to learn more about this incredible faith in God.



What can be commended is the bravery of Desmond Doss to stand up for his faith…lets pray that message is what is remembered by those who discuss the story or view the film.


The trailer for Hacksaw Ridge – which is said to be a very violent and graphic film, has been viewed almost 7 million times on youtube and has created a lot of interest worldwide.

Viewer Discretion advised for movie and trailer:



For more on Desmond Doss see:

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